Non-Profit for Adoptable Dog Care
BUNS and ASAP run independent operations at the SB shelter for the bunnies and cats, respectively. They do a fantastic job of caring for their animals. We would like the Animal Services Commission to explore the recommendation in the AHA Report that a non-profit group take over the adoptable dog operation at the SB Shelter. We need people to support this effort, or join a working group to develop the funds and documents that would be necessary to implement it.
Alternate Shelters
Due to the high cost of the County Contracts in a time where decreasing numbers of dogs are arriving at the shelters, some Cities are actively looking for alternatives to the County shelters. Lompoc only signed a one year agreement and is working with the other cities in their area to establish alternatives, and Santa Maria is very concerned about the high costs of their contract. The City of Santa Barbara is currently paying about $4,000 per adoptable dog. Given these high costs, a group is working with the cities on the alternatives. If you are interested in this issue, please contact us.
City Vicious Dog Ordinance Revision
Due to the recent case of Butters being kept at the SB County Shelter for more than 70 days with only several days of exercise, we are working with Santa Barbara City to revise their Vicious Dog Ordinance to provide more options during the initial hearing and appeals process. Butters was released to Shadow's Fund and is doing well there. We need you to write emails and letters to the City Council and media outlets in support of this change. If you can come to the City Council hearings where it is discussed, that would be great also!
Animal Welfare Commission
The AHA Oversight Team is only an advisory council. Because of this, the County has implemented major AHA recommendations that have not been discussed by the OT. We are now working with elected officials to create an Animal Welfare Commission that has true Oversight Authority. At least half of the Commission should be composed of representatives from the Rescues that help the shelters improve their live release goals. We need you to write emails and letters to the Board of Supervisors and local media outlets.
Shelter Volunteers
Volunteer hours are down significantly from the days when K-9PALS was located at the shelter. We need volunteers that want to help the dogs, exercising and training them and showing them to the public. Our volunteers are why the Santa Barbara shelter has the best results of the three facilities.