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Dogs assessed as adoptable but then euthanized when SB shelter had up to 110 dogs.
Unadoptability and Live Release Rates
Eight years ago during the economic downturn the SB shelter had as many as 110 dogs in their 50 kennels. The County has always called the SB Shelter no-kill but in reality were euthanizing for space. They would use negative behavior by the stressed dogs to redefine them as "unadoptable" and put them down. One dog, Niles, was euthanized for jumping up and having his paw land near a short volunteer's eye. The 3 dogs shown at left were euthanized during this period. During FY08-09 the SB Shelter killed 7.4% of the dogs arriving at the shelter involuntarily (strays and owner turn-ins except those turned in for euthanization). At present their kill rate is about 3%.
Currently the County has adopted the Asilomar Accords standard - if a shelter has a live release rate of more than 90%, they can call themselves no-kill. The Lompoc and Santa Maria shelters are currently at about 90%, while the SB shelter is at about 97-98%. But the SB shelter is achieving these low rates in part by deeming some dogs unadoptable and scheduling them for euthanization. This forces rescues to step up and use their scarce resources to take these dogs to give them a chance at life. Many of these dogs have been adopted and are reported to be great dogs in their homes. The County has recently hired a behaviorist and other staff and could be using their ample resources to help these dogs rather than forcing rescues to take them.
We also feel that the SB Shelter live release rates show what can be achieved with enough stakeholder support. A live release rate of 97% should be set as a goal by the Lompoc and Santa Maria shelters.
A partial list of the SB shelter dogs that have been saved by rescues after being threatened with euthanization in one week or less by the County are:
Since July 2015 Pre-2015 dogs
Jake (DAWG) Hoss (Shadow's Fund)
Penny (DAWG) Bambi (DAWG)
Suki (Shadow's Fund)
Loki (Shadow's Fund)
Penelope (DAWG)
Iris (DAWG)
Slim (DAWG)
Charlie (SPARC)
Arthur (DAWG)
Corazon (SF if allowed)
Slinky (DAWG)
Billy (Sta Maria HS)