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Volunteer Hours

When  K-9PALS ran the dog volunteer program at the SB shelter they averaged about 14,000 volunteer hours per year.  The County asked them to compile the hours each year and reported them to the Board of Supervisors. The volunteer sign in sheets were available in the volunteer room for everyone to see until they were compiled monthy. 

When K-9PALS left the shelter a lot of volunteers stopped coming also. The County removed the volunteer sheets from the volunteer room as soon as a sheet was filled out. They apparently did not compile or report the volunteer hours to the BOS since 2011 as they could not supply this info for a recent public info request. 

The newest volunteer coordinator at the SB Shelter (there has been at least 6 since 2011, and Santa Maria and Lompoc have another coordinator for their shelters) is using a software program to track volunteer hours that requires the volunteers to log in and out for each shift. It was implemented in Sept 2015. The chart  shows that the dog volunteer hours are down compared to the 2011 level. The Lompoc and Santa Maria dog hours combined are less than the SB dog vol hours even though they have more dogs. 

See the actual data on the Support Documents page.

Dexter, Floyd, and Jake. Three dogs put at risk by County decisions.

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