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-Provide living spaces that meet Humane Society of the US (HSUS) guidelines.

-Provide each animal with adequate food, clean and dry bedding, prompt medical care, and human and animal socialization.

- Give dogs 60 minutes of supervised exercise at  minimum daily, provide playgroups for socialization, and minimize kennel stress where possible.

-Provide Protective Custody and quarantine dogs with exercise and enrichment per HSUS guidelines.

-Prepare action plans for each animal that meets their unique needs. 

-Explore every avenue for saving an animal before considering euthanization.

-Allow behaviorist to work with stressed-out "unadoptable" dogs so they can be adopted from the County Shelters.

​​-Extend shelter hours to match area standard of 7am to 6pm for public viewing and animal bathroom breaks.

-Adopt every pet into a safe and loving home where they will be a cherished companion.

-Build new kennels that limit stress for dogs affected by kennel stress.





- Support the formation of an Animal Services Commission that has oversight authority over Animal Services and is composed primarily of rescue group members.

- Consider finding non-profit organization to run County adoptable dog program per AHA recommendation. 

-Replace AHA report with recommendations generated and approved by Shelter Stakeholders.

-Have Lompoc and Santa Maria County shelters match current 3% dog kill rate at Santa Barbara County shelter.

-Support hiring of County and non-profit managers with demonstrated skills in working with stakeholders.

-Have the Animal Services Department adopt a specific stakeholder model that includes stakeholders at all decision levels and honors their contributions.

-Revise SB City Ordinances to allow more options for dogs that are deemed vicious/dangerous.

Dexter, Floyd, and Jake. Three dogs affected by County decisions.



* This website provides information about the Santa Barbara Shelters and ways the dog community can help make them World Class Facilities by implementing our World Class Goals

* County animal numbers, volunteer hours, and budget.  See the important shelter facts here!

*The Ventura County shelter has improved itself tremendously over the last few years. It shows that our World Class Goals are possible if the County sets them as priorities.

* There are many ways to get involved, from adding your name to our email alert list to receive updates about the shelter, joining the City Ordinance and alternative sheltering working groups, or supporting efforts to provide new kennel and quarantine facilities at the SB shelter. 

*The American Humane Association's report was the start of an ongoing effort to improve the shelters. See more here.


To make sure that every animal that comes to a SB Animal Services Shelter is treated compassionately and given every opportunity to be adopted into a safe and loving home.  Because animals can't advocate for themselves, it's our obligation and privilege to advocate for them."


Stakeholders at the Shelters are Volunteers, Rescue Groups, and members of the Community that want to help the homeless animals. You are a stakeholder!

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